Why Does a Loving God Let Bad Things Happen To Good People?

Why Does a Loving God Let Bad Things Happen To Good People?

I hear and get asked this question A LOT. And, honestly, I wouldn’t have been able to answer this question a year ago. Until, I saw this video of a clip from a sermon.

The Pastor said the way he responds to this question is by telling the person asking the question, “I will not answer you until you ask me the question correctly. Then will I only give you an honest answer.” When they clearly don’t understand the question, he answers “The question you should be asking is, ‘How could a loving, Holy, Merciful, Perfect God let you live and wake up from a nights sleep to see day again, knowing what you have done in the past.'”

If you still don’t understand, he is saying “God is letting you live another day, even though you have sinned and you DO NOT deserve to live another day.”

That personally hit home for me, and made me stop and think. Yet, for some people it makes no difference, and they keep arguing to argue their way around it.

“I am a good person though, I have not committed murder, I’ve only lied a couple of times and they were only little tiny white lies!”

This is the first response I typically get. I’m a good person. Are you really though? Yeah, you might try to live to be the best possible you, and you certainly haven’t murdered anyone. Not to mention, you are certainly a better person then the guy you’re sitting right next to you! I mean have you heard what hes done!?! He lied to his own mother, he shoved that little boy, and most importantly HE’S the one who stole the last cookie! Okay, so maybe not that ridiculous but that’s pretty much what I hear when people tell me their better than him…Truth is NOBODY is good. It doesn’t matter what you have done or are currently doing, you are not good. The Bible clearly states, “ …none is good, save one, that is, God.” (Luke 18:19 KJV). That is all that needs to be said about that period.

Or the other famous response, “Well, why does he let horrible things happen to people in general?”. I never understood why several people have asked me this RIGHT after I just basically explained as much as I could to pretty much the same question.

I answer with a single statement, and the conversation typically ends right there. “When were put in so-called ‘horrible’ situations, and we seem to be a low as we can go, where else do we have to look for answers but up?” We look up to God in desperate situations whether we believe or not.


If at all you have anymore questions that you would like answered, please feel free to email me and I will try to answer to the best of my knowledge. Feedback of any sort is welcome, as well as your own thoughts and opinions! I love to hear from other people’s stories and point of view.

May God Bless You and Have a Wonderful Day 🙂


I Know My Problem…Now What?

“Yeah I’m Christian. I go to church, I’m baptized and not to mention I’m a really good person. I mean I still swear, I use God’s name in vane, and I only really truly hate one person.” I hear this a lot, and frankly I’m one of these people but only customized with my own faults I have. Except there is one huge difference. I don’t believe you can just go to church and be baptized to be called a christian.

So what is a Christian? A christian is some one who has a deep love and desire for Christ, someone who would give up all and surrender all things to their Lord and Savior. Love more powerful than your boyfriend, girlfriend, wife, daughter, even children. A desire bigger than for the things of the secular world. Surrendering all, even if it means horrible humiliation and embarrassment, doing anything for the glory of God…Giving up all you have on this Earth for God, to God.

Not as easy as it sounds to be a true Christian. It would take every ounce of strength you have, and it wouldn’t end until the day that you would die.It’s like a constant uphill battle, but it will be worth it. An eternity in heaven, if you would just live your life for Christ. But it’s definitely easier said than done.

So referring to the title, I know my problem…Check. I live a worldly life, each day passing I don’t live my life with meaning. I don’t even pick up my Bible. It brings me to tears how much i take things for granted, so why do we do it? Out of pure laziness, which needs to end now. Today. No excuses.

There are several people out there living for God, and taking full advantage. They’re not afraid to live for Him, in fact there risking their lives every single day. That sounds absolutely exhausting, but there is one more detail I left out…They’re being persecuted for it. Yes, being killed. I just heard of a girl that her own brother, flesh and blood burned her, and cut her tongue out and eventually killed her. Just because she believed in GOD, and Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior.

We all know these things are happening all around the world, but were to lazy to do anything about it. Let alone surrender everything even though we have it better, and were way less likely to be persecuted over it. We have it better, not easier, but better.

You’re probably thinking that we have easier though, can i ask why? Is it because were not being persecuted, or we have easy access to the Bible, or maybe because we have a ton of churches. Whatever the reason, I think we have almost harder than anybody else in the world. Our country is practically run by Satan, I mean look closely. The T.V. we watch, the books we read, what were taught in school. They mostly revolve around sex, drugs, profanity, lust, etc. Then there is the fact were being taught evolution in school, I’m not even going to touch on that today though, that’s a whole other “novel” to write. My point, Satan’s got us wrapped around his little finger.

Here’s a sad little fact, I heard a story where a guy went to another country and told the people there that he was praying for them. You no what they said in return? No, we’re praying for you in the United States. Wow. A country that’s doing a lot worse in our mind is actually doing a lot better. They live in such poor situations, they have to live for Christ because they have no one else that has got there back.

Now what? Were basically lazy is how  see it. So I am going to end this blog with a challenge. Read a Bible for thirty whole days, at least a chapter a day, and on top of that I want you to pray to God. Ask him for help and guidance, believe that he can help. I guarantee that you will find something, but don’t look to hard, you might oversee it. Just try, what is there to loose. Tell you what, I’ll do this challenge with you, because I need to get back on track as well and stay on track as well. See you next time…
